Displaying thumbnail icons 128x128 pixels or larger in a grid in ListView

Disclaimer: I work for Atalasoft

There is an image thumbnail control in our .NET Imaging SDK, DotImage

For update:

  1. Set image list color depth in addition to image size (ilist.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth24Bit)
  2. WinForms ListView does not have possibility to change icon spacing, however it can be easily done using Win32. You need to send LVM_SETICONSPACING to your ListView (there is a lot of tutorials how to use SendMessage win32 function in .net, so I think this direction must be enough for you).

You could use the FlowLayoutPanel and drop pictureboxes in it. Set the picturebox to a size of 128x128 and the sizemode to 'zoom' (This takes care of resizing your image without loss of aspect ratio). You can even programatically add the pictureboxes.

PictureBox pb = New Picturebox;
 pb.image = gcf.image128;

Since you need to have a label under the picturebox, you could create a Usercontrol like Pastor said that all it has is a picturebox and a label under it. Then that would be the control instance you would add to your flowlayoutpanel.

ObjectListView (an open source wrapper around a .NET ListView) makes it easy to custom draw a Tile view. Have a look at the Complex view on the demo, switch to Tile view when custom draw is enabled: owner drawn tile view
(source: sourceforge.net)

If you only wanted a 128x128 image plus some text details, you wouldn't even need to owner draw it. You could give it a large imagelist, and then mark which bits of textual information you wanted to show on the Tile, using IsTileViewColumn.