Displaying registered routes in Laravel

Console command:

php artisan routes (laravel 4)
php artisan route:list (laravel 5)

| Domain | URI                                                | Name                  | Action                                       | Before Filters                                                     | After Filters |
|        | GET /admin/configuration                           |                       | ConfigurationController@index                | auth, keyMaster:configuration                                      |               |
|        | POST /admin/configuration                          |                       | ConfigurationController@update               | auth, keyMaster:configuration                                      |               |
|        | GET /admin/logs/errors                             |                       | LogsController@errors                        | auth, keyMaster:logs/errors                                        |               |
|        | GET /admin/logs/errors/{name}                      |                       | LogsController@errors                        | auth, keyMaster:logs/errors                                        |               |
|        | DELETE /admin/logs/errors                          |                       | LogsController@delete                        | auth, keyMaster:logs/errors                                        |               |
|        | GET /admin/logs/events                             |                       | LogsController@events                        | auth, keyMaster:logs/events                                        |               |
|        | GET /admin/logs/events/data                        |                       | LogsController@eventsData                    | auth, keyMaster:logs/events                                        |               |


I created a route that will list each route and its respective details in an html table.

Route::get('routes', function() {
    $routeCollection = Route::getRoutes();

    echo "<table style='width:100%'>";
    echo "<tr>";
        echo "<td width='10%'><h4>HTTP Method</h4></td>";
        echo "<td width='10%'><h4>Route</h4></td>";
        echo "<td width='80%'><h4>Corresponding Action</h4></td>";
    echo "</tr>";
    foreach ($routeCollection as $value) {
        echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td>" . $value->getMethods()[0] . "</td>";
            echo "<td>" . $value->getPath() . "</td>";
            echo "<td>" . $value->getActionName() . "</td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";

You're probably still using an older version of the L4 beta. If you download a fresh copy, you'll see it listed when you run php artisan.


