Displaying No Records Found in Angular 2

You can use the newest feature from Angular 4.0.0 and to add if else statement:

<div *ngIf="Games?.length;else no_data_templ">
           <tr *ngFor="let game of Games">

<ng-template #no_data_templ>
     No daata found...

Update: for Angular 2.X you can use the following approach:

<div *ngIf="Games?.length">
           <tr *ngFor="let game of Games">

<div *ngIf="! Games?.length">
     No data found...

Check for the length of array if there are no elements uisng length, then display it as NO DATA,

<li  *ngIf="Games?.length == 0">
    <span class="search_no_results">
       No data found 

If you want to display a message saying no data found. Before the table tag check whether Games has items to iterate.

Something like this

public hasData(): boolean {
 return (this.Games != null && this.Games.length > 0);

Use hasData() in the template

<div *ngIf="!hasData()">No Data Found</div>
<table *ngIf="hasData()">
        <tr *ngFor="let game of Games">



You can structure & style this in anyway you want.