Display the taskbar clock on multiple screens in Windows?

You can't display the clock on both taskbar. It is possible to drag your primary taskbar to the second monitor providing they are unlocked first.

I wanted the same thing you were looking for. I just discovered if you hit Windows + c , this seems to bring the time and date to the lower left of the screen wherever you are. It helps me, and I hope it is helpful to others.

Third-Party Solutions

  • Ultramon - ($$ but 30-day free trial period) mentioned by @Robert Kelly
  • DisplayFusion - Only the Pro versions ($$ but 30-day free trial period) show the clock on all taskbars. Free version does not.
  • Actual Multiple Monitors - 30-day free trial period
  • MultiMon - Lighter weight version of zbar and ultramon, and easier to set up. Free version designed for XP. Paid versions have not been updated recently (no info on Win8+ support).
  • T-Clock Redux - Free and open source (GitHub - pre-compiled binaries are available).

Finally, not a taskbar clock per se, but DexClock is an interesting (free) wallpaper-based clock solution that might address your needs.