Display running child process' output in nodejs (windows)

Just specify that you want the child process to inherit stdio of parent one:

require('child_process').exec('node server.js', { stdio: 'inherit' });

Exec will return STDOUT and STDERR when the child finishes, see exec. That's why you do not see any output, when the server starts.

What you want is fork, which automatically connects the child process STDOUT and STDERR to your parent's. This is the preferred way if your child process is a node process.

If you want to use exec you can use the child processe's streams to get your data, e.g.:


var child_process = nw.require('child_process');
var spawn = child_process

//The following is on windows and I record stdout and stderr to my logger

var proc = spawn('cmd.exe', ['/S', '/C', script_path]);
proc.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
       logger(logtag, 'proc_stdout: ' + data);

proc.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
    logger(logtag, 'proc_stderr: ' + data);