Display image over SSH, no X

Try 'img2txt'. For Ubuntu it can be found in 'caca-utils' packet.

'caca-utils' seems to be also available as rpm.

Oneway to display an 'image' with a text screen is via aalib.

That will use ASCII chars to render an image, and if you have a large enough text area (sort of resolution) then you can recognise what is being shown.

You would run the conversion to ASCII-art/movies on the remote side of the SSH link.

Link: aalib demo on youtube.

Also, by using only the ASCII characters the display is very very limited.

Aye. Which means that unless you have a large terminal to play with you will barely recognisabnle images. If you can use a large terminal on a high density display (with sharp letters even when you use a tiny font) then it is useable.