Display emoji/emotion icon in Android TextView

It works fine if you convert the string to a char array and check each char, such as:

StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (char curr : str.toCharArray()) {
    sb.append((SUPPORTED_EMOJI_SET.contains(curr)) ? convertCharToImgTag(curr) : curr);

where SUPPORTED_EMOJI_SET is just a set of chars, for example:

new HashSet<Character>() {{

You could also do this with a regex but I believe the above would run faster.

Here, Please go through below solution :

Problem : Inside TextView instead of Emoji, String \ue415\ue056\ue057 is showing.

Root cause : In java or android, programmatically string representation of Emoji's you will get as \\ue415\\ue056\\ue057. But when you try to print same String in console or LogCat then escape character is removed and you will get string as \ue415\ue056\ue057 because of which root cause of this issue is not detectable.

Solution : To solve this issue, we need to handle escape character. I have created below method which solve this problem.

public static String getEmojiFromString(String emojiString) {

    if (!emojiString.contains("\\u")) {

        return emojiString;
    String emojiEncodedString = "";

    int position = emojiString.indexOf("\\u");

    while (position != -1) {

        if (position != 0) {
            emojiEncodedString += emojiString.substring(0, position);

        String token = emojiString.substring(position + 2, position + 6);
        emojiString = emojiString.substring(position + 6);
        emojiEncodedString += (char) Integer.parseInt(token, 16);
        position = emojiString.indexOf("\\u");
    emojiEncodedString += emojiString;

    return emojiEncodedString;

Why do you want to embed the protected Apple emoji images in your application at all?

The Unicode standard includes 722 emoji that can be displayed by Android's default font just by entering the Unicode chars into an EditText field or TextView.

You can, in addition, use the following library (in folder "Java") to automatically convert popular emoticons like :-) to the corresponding Unicode emoji:
