Disallowing window renaming in tmux

From a thread in the tmux-users list asking about this:

allow-rename affects the window name not the title.

In your output from Prefix+w:

(0)  0: ksh93* "root@pelleplutt: /home/ubuntu" 

The "ksh93" part is what tmux considers the window name. It can be set by the escape sequence \033k...\033\\, and protected by the allow-rename option.

The "root@pelleplutt: ..." part is the title. It's set by the escape sequence \033[2;...\033\\, and tmux doesn't have an option to protect that.

To prevent the remote system from changing the title, you could remove that sequence from the PS1 variable:

PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '