Disabling the lane change signal feature of a 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Corolla

FakeMoustache actually should get credit for answering my question, but he posted it as a comment and an answer should be posted here.

[Edit 12/5/2018: I have now done this successfully with three Corollas. Works great!]

Just in case someone has a 2014, 2015, 2016, or 2017 Corolla, below is what I provided to the mechanic to make this simple modification. Even as an experienced driver, I don't like the lane change feature. As FakeMoustache stated, use any of diodes 1N4001, 1N4002 through 1N4007. I used 1N4007's, but probably should have used 1N4001's since the leads are thinner and easier to work with.

Notice the black wire doesn't necessarily have to be cut, but I find it easier than stripping and splicing mid-wire.

Also notice there are two pink wires. Don't splice into the wrong one! See the illustration.

enter image description here

My work is a bit sloppy but it works.  For this car I would have been better off with IN4401's which have smaller leads. Make sure you insulate.