Disable validation of HTML5 form elements

If you want to disable client side validation for a form in HTML5 add a novalidate attribute to the form element. Ex:

<form method="post" action="/foo" novalidate>...</form>

See https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/sec-forms.html#element-attrdef-form-novalidate

I had a read of the spec and did some testing in Chrome, and if you catch the "invalid" event and return false that seems to allow form submission.

I am using jquery, with this HTML.

// suppress "invalid" events on URL inputs
$('input[type="url"]').bind('invalid', function() {
  return false;

document.forms[0].onsubmit = function () {
  alert('form submitted');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
  <input type="url" value="http://" />
  <button type="submit">Submit</button>

I haven't tested this in any other browsers.