Disable sonarlint automatic analysis in Eclipse by default

This worked for me:

Window->Preferences->SonarLint->File Exclusions Then New GLOB Pattern: "**/*"

From this discussion it seems that there's no way to disable automatic analysis globally by default. But there's a workaround: you can add sonar.exclusions properties for your files in the analyzer configuration (Window->Preferences->SonarLint->Analyzer Properties).

for example sonar.exclusions=**/*.js excludes all *.js files from automatic analysis

I was also trying to disable SonarLint across all projects within one Eclipse Workspace. The following settings did not work for me using Window->Preferences->SonarLint->Analyzer Properties sonar.exclusions=**/*.java,**/*.class

So I ended up using this setting under Window->Preferences->SonarLint which does work Test file regular expressions=**/*Test.*,**/test/**/*,**/*.java,**/*.class

I think it's an oversight on the part of the SonarLint plug-in not to support the ability to disable the plug-in, or prevent its start up at the Workspace level. My installation of Eclipse is unfortunately centrally managed and I am unable to uninstall the plug-in myself.

[Edit] another option if you don't have performance issues with sonarlint, is to allow it to run but ignore the reported issues by going to the Problems pane and selecting the Filters, there under Types you can disable SonarLint