Disable ripple effect on vuetify components globally

You can modify Vue.js components globally even after they've been registered.
In this case, you can simply do this :

const VBtn = Vue.component('VBtn')
VBtn.options.props.ripple.default = false

You can add that in your vuetify.js file before the export default new Vuetify (...) for instance.

- Tested with Vuetify 2.1.14

You can set the complete container to not visible.

.v-ripple__container {
    display:none !important;

According to Vuetify documentation you can modify the Stylus variables - so you can try to redefine these to your taste, e.g. by setting them to none:

$ripple-animation-transition-in := transform .25s $transition.fast-out-slow-in, opacity .1s $transition.fast-out-slow-in
$ripple-animation-transition-out := opacity .3s $transition.fast-out-slow-in
$ripple-animation-visible-opacity := .15