Disable Required validation attribute under certain circumstances

If you just want to disable validation for a single field in client side then you can override the validation attributes as follows:

@Html.TextBoxFor(model => model.SomeValue, 
                new Dictionary<string, object> { { "data-val", false }})

This problem can be easily solved by using view models. View models are classes that are specifically tailored to the needs of a given view. So for example in your case you could have the following view models:

public UpdateViewView
    public string Id { get; set; }

    ... some other properties

public class InsertViewModel
    public string Id { get; set; }

    ... some other properties

which will be used in their corresponding controller actions:

public ActionResult Update(UpdateViewView model)

public ActionResult Insert(InsertViewModel model)

I know this question has been answered a long time ago and the accepted answer will actually do the work. But there's one thing that bothers me: having to copy 2 models only to disable a validation.

Here's my suggestion:

public class InsertModel
    public virtual string ID { get; set; }

    ...Other properties

public class UpdateModel : InsertModel
    public override string ID
        get { return base.ID; }
        set { base.ID = value; }

This way, you don't have to bother with client/server side validations, the framework will behave the way it's supposed to. Also, if you define a [Display] attribute on the base class, you don't have to redefine it in your UpdateModel.

And you can still use these classes the same way:

public ActionResult Update(UpdateModel model)

public ActionResult Insert(InsertModel model)