Disable beep of Linux Bash on Windows 10

  1. To disable the beep in bash you need to uncomment (or add if not already there) the line set bell-style none in your /etc/inputrc file.

    Note: Since it is a protected file you need to be a privileged user to edit it (i.e. launch your text editor with something like sudo <editor> /etc/inputrc).

  2. To disable the beep also in vim you need to add set visualbell in your ~/.vimrc file.

  3. To disable the beep also in less (i.e. also in man pages and when using "git diff") you need to add export LESS="$LESS -R -Q" in your ~/.profile file.

Since the only noise terminals tend to make is the bell and if you want it off everywhere, the very simplest way to do it for bash on Windows:

  1. Mash backspace a bunch at the prompt
  2. Right click sound icon and choose Open Volume Mixer
  3. Lower volume on Console Window Host to zero

Uncommenting set bell-style none in /etc/inputrc and creating a .bash_profile with setterm -blength 0 didn't stop vim from beeping.

What worked for me was creating a .vimrc file in my home directory with set visualbell.

Source: https://linuxconfig.org/turn-off-beep-bell-on-linux-terminal