Disable autocomplete for Chrome 66

I resolved using a little jQuery (but you can use a simple javascript).

The problem is that chrome looks at the name and/or the id of your fields. The only solution I found is to remove those attributes, add an data-name attribute with the real name of the field, and re-attach the name attribute after the submit using javascript.

There is an example

<form onsubmit="return formSubmit(this);" autocomplete="off">
    <input type="text" data-name="dateStart" class="form-control" />

function formSubmit(form) {
    $(this).attr('name', $(this).data('name'));
  query = jQuery(form).serialize();
  window.open("/YOUR_URL/?" + query, "_self");
  return false;

Just ran into this -- Google looks at the fields id or name to determine if it has saved data for that field. As a site author, use a randomly generated name/id, and/or add an autocomplete=<random string> to the field.

See this playground: https://jsfiddle.net/mfdc22pz/1/

BTW Chrome Canary (68) fixes this bug!

In Short: Add random tags like: name="foo_90553-4"