Digging quarry timelapse

Retina 0.8.2, 163 156 bytes

$1_$.2$* $3¶$1>$2<;
T`>\_` \\`>+_

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Convert the inputs to unary. This gives us W¶S.


Swap the inputs and duplicate the width. This gives us S¶W¶W.


Calculate the volume of the quarry. This gives us S¶W¶V.


Join the inputs into one line. This gives us S;W;V.


Calculate the amount of progress for each day on its own line. Each day has the format S;W;D, where D is 0 on the first line and increments by S each day until it reaches V.


Delete S and increase W by 2 on each line. This gives us G;D for each day.

$1_$.2$* $3¶$1>$2<;

While D is nonzero, dig either D or G-2 from the line (so the first and last characters are always left), moving the depth to the next line. Each line is indented with one more > than the previous. Newly dug lines also include a <.

T`>\_` \\`>+_

Turn the indent into spaces and the following _ into a \.


If a < is following a \ then turn it into a V, if it's following a _ then turn it into a /. Delete all the <s and ;s.