Difficulty comparing generated and google cloud storage provided CRC32c checksums

Here's an example md5 and crc32c for the gsutil public tarball:

$ gsutil ls -L gs://pub/gsutil.tar.gz | grep Hash
    Hash (crc32c):      vHI6Bw==
    Hash (md5):     ph7W3cCoEgMQWvA45Z9y9Q==

I'll copy it locally to work with:

$ gsutil cp gs://pub/gsutil.tar.gz /tmp/
Copying gs://pub/gsutil.tar.gz...
Downloading file:///tmp/gsutil.tar.gz:                           2.59 MiB/2.59 MiB    

CRC values are usually displayed as unsigned 32-bit integers. To convert it:

>>> import base64
>>> import struct
>>> struct.unpack('>I', base64.b64decode('vHI6Bw=='))

To obtain the same from the crcmod library:

>>> file_bytes = open('/tmp/gsutil.tar.gz', 'rb').read()
>>> import crcmod
>>> crc32c = crcmod.predefined.Crc('crc-32c')
>>> crc32c.update(file_bytes)
>>> crc32c.crcValue

If you want to convert the value from crcmod to the same base64 format used by gcloud/gsutil:

>>> base64.b64encode(crc32c.digest()).decode('utf-8')