Differentate between first time querysnapshot and change listener in firestore

Take a careful look at the code in the docs you referenced. It's checking the Type of each DocumentChange object in the QuerySnapshot object:

for (DocumentChange dc : snapshots.getDocumentChanges()) {
    switch (dc.getType()) {
        case ADDED:
            Log.d(TAG, "New city: " + dc.getDocument().getData());
        case MODIFIED:
            Log.d(TAG, "Modified city: " + dc.getDocument().getData());
        case REMOVED:
            Log.d(TAG, "Removed city: " + dc.getDocument().getData());

This goes along with the text you cited:

The first query snapshot contains added events for all existing documents that match the query.

You can tell if you've seen a document for the first time because it's an ADDED type of change. MODIFIED and REMOVED type changes are only issued for documents you've seen previously for this listener.