Different environments for Terraform (Hashicorp)

Paul's solution with modules is the right idea. However, I would strongly recommend against defining all of your environments (e.g. QA, staging, production) in the same Terraform file. If you do, then whenever you're making a change to staging, you risk accidentally breaking production too, which partially defeats the point of keeping those environments isolated in the first place! See Terraform, VPC, and why you want a tfstate file per env for a colorful discussion of what can go wrong.

I always recommend storing the Terraform code for each environment in a separate folder. In fact, you may even want to store the Terraform code for each "component" (e.g. a database, a VPC, a single app) in separate folders. Again, the reason is isolation: when making changes to a single app (which you might do 10 times per day), you don't want to put your entire VPC at risk (which you probably never change).

Therefore, my typical file layout looks something like this:

  └ vpc
     └ main.tf
     └ vars.tf
     └ outputs.tf
  └ app
  └ db
  └ vpc
  └ app
  └ db
  └ s3
  └ iam

All the Terraform code for the staging environment goes into the stage folder, all the code for the prod environment goes into the prod folder, and all the code that lives outside of an environment (e.g. IAM users, S3 buckets) goes into the global folder.

For more info, check out How to manage Terraform state. For a deeper look at Terraform best practices, check out the book Terraform: Up & Running.

I suggest you take a look at the hashicorp best-practices repo, which has quite a nice setup for dealing with different environments (similar to what James Woolfenden suggested).

We're using a similar setup, and it works quite nicely. However, this best-practices repo assumes you're using Atlas, which we're not. We've created quite an elaborate Rakefile, which basically (going by the best-practices repo again) gets all the subfolders of /terraform/providers/aws, and exposes them as different builds using namespaces. So our rake -T output would list the following tasks:



This separation prevents changes which might be exclusive to dev to accidentally affect (or worse, destroy) something in prod, as it's a different state file. It also allows testing a change in dev/staging before actually applying it to prod.

Also, I recently stumbled upon this little write up, which basically shows what might happen if you keep everything together: https://charity.wtf/2016/03/30/terraform-vpc-and-why-you-want-a-tfstate-file-per-env/

