Difference between make_pair and curly brackets { } for assigning a pair in C++?

I think you might have accepted that answer a little too quickly. The commonly accepted way to do this is like this:

vec.emplace_back (x, y);

And if you look at Godbolt, you can see that this inlines everything (which may or may not be what you want):


Run it at Wandbox:



#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

int x = 1;
int y = 2;
std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> vec;

int main () {
    vec.push_back(std::make_pair(x, y));
    std::cout << "make_pair done\n";
    vec.push_back({x, y});
    std::cout << "push_back done\n";
    vec.emplace_back (x, y);
    std::cout << "emplace_back done\n";

    for (std::pair <int, int> p : vec)
        std::cout << p.first << ", " << p.second << "\n";


make_pair done
push_back done
emplace_back done
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2

Of course, everything runs faster if you reserve the appropriate number of elements in the vector up front. Maybe that's what the people posing this question are really wanting you to say.

{x, y} in v.push_back({x, y}) is aggregate initialization (since C++11) of v's value_type, whereas std::make_pair is a function creating an std::pair with types deduced from its arguments.

One advantage of push_back({x, y}) over emplace_back(x, y) is that you could keep small structures simple (without constructors) like this:

#include <vector>

struct A {
    int x;
    int y;
    // A(int _x, int _y) : x{_x}, y{_y} {}

int f()
    std::vector<A> v;
    v.push_back({1, 2});
    // v.emplace_back(1, 2); // doesn't compile unless constructor is uncommented


I tried this in an online compiler, and as far as I can see the optimized assembly for make_pair is identical to {} syntax.




Std Pair