Difference between an option's default and its initial value

This answer is for explaining what the TikZ/PGF manual means for default/initial values of a keyword. It may or may not have any relation with the usage of .default and .initial keys depending on the specific implementation.

For example for shape:

  • no default means you can't say

     \node[shape, red]{...}

    because there is no default (in this case the key is defined so that it must have an argument, so it will error out if you do; thanks, @percusse). If, for example, it had circle as default, that means that you could have used the aforementioned command to have a circle-shaped node;

  • initial means that if you say

    \node[color=red] {...}

    without mentioning shape you'll have a rectangle.

Another example could be (straight from the manual):

/pgf/tips=value (default true, initially on draw) alias /tikz/tips

This key governs in what situations arrow tips are added to a path. The following values are permissible:

  • true (the value used when no value is specified)
  • proper
  • on draw (the initial value, if the key has not yet been used at all)
  • on proper draw
  • never or false (same effect)


(although I don't understand what the comment on the last item means --- just that never and false are the same?)

This is the case where it sounds like the problem is related to keys but shape is a pretty legacy keyword and the way it is defined is pretty straightforward.


(\tikzoption later became \tikzset. So don't use it)

Then at the initialization of TikZ package we see


Note that this is the global scope so if you don't fiddle with it every TikZ picture will inherit this default value. This is not related to /.initial and /.default problem. It's the manual's classification that makes it looks like key issue.

In the manual if you see no default this means you need to supply a value. If you see no value then,... well... you don't need to provide a value. If you insist on providing a value sometimes you get an error, sometimes not.


\node[matrix of math nodes={4}{5}] {\tan \\ \sin};

will not error. Because every style/code handler intrinsically accepts arguments. If not explicitly set by /.value forbidden handler then nothing happens.

Initially <...> means if you don't provide anything else I'm going to use <...>.

As usual, exceptions apply...

One final note about TikZ/PGF difference. All TikZ is converted to PGF code so there are no separate functionalities. It's a matter of syntax.


Tikz Pgf