Dictionary for TeXstudio: “No dictionary Available”

TeXStudio uses the OpenOffice spelling dictionaries (as well as thesaurus). You can download any number of them from the OpenOffice extensions site. You can also download dictionaries from LibreOffice extensions. The OpenOffice files have the extension .oxt but are actually .zip files. You place the dictionary files in the Dictionary folder in your TeXstudio installation. The dictionary then appears in the list when you open the "Configure TeXstudio" under "Options" in TeXstudio.

The following applies to versions before 2.7.2, newer versions (after a bug-fix in 2.11.2) recognize the `.oxt' extension so steps 2 and 3 become superfluous.

So here are the steps:

  1. download your dictionary (.oxt)
  2. change the extension to .zip
  3. unzip the files in a folder
  4. In TeXstudio preference, under Spell Checking Dictionary, change the directory to the folder you put your dictionary in
  5. reset TeXstudio.
  6. You are all set!

I was having the same problem in Mac OS. Here's how I solved it.

  1. Find the texstudio app, right click on it and select 'Show Package Contents'.
  2. Within the contents folder, right click on the 'Resources' folder.
  3. Press and hold alt. This should make the option 'Copy "Resources"' change to 'Copy "Resources" as Pathname'. Select this option.
  4. In texstudio, select to TeXStudio->Preferences->Language Checking.
  5. Paste the copied path name for your resources folder into the 'Spelling Dictionary Directories' textbox and now the 'Default Language' drop down menu should become populated.
  6. Select your en_US, or whatever your preferred language is.

you may need to set the dictionary path in two places:

  1. Options>Configure TexStudio>General>Dictionary [Dictionaries spelling directory]
  2. Options>Configure TexStudio>Grammar>Internal [Wordlist Directory]