Determine all complex numbers which satisfy conditions - $|z|=2$ $\space$ and $\space$ Im$(z^6)=8$ Im$(z^3)$

It is shorter to solve with the exponential form of $z$: since its modulus is $2$, we can write $\:z=2\,\mathrm e^{i\theta}$. and the equation on the imaginary parts becomes $\DeclareMathOperator{\im}{Im}$ $$\im(z^6)=\im\bigl(64\mathrm e^{6i\theta} \bigr)=64\sin 6\theta,\qquad \im(8z^3)=\im\bigl(64\mathrm e^{3i\theta}\bigr)=64\sin 3\theta$$ whence this simple standard trigonometric equation $\;\sin 6\theta=\sin 3\theta$. Its solutions are $$ \begin{cases} 6\theta\equiv 3\theta \iff 3\theta\equiv 0\mod 2\pi\iff\theta\equiv 0\mod\frac{2\pi}3,\\ 6\theta\equiv \pi-3\theta \iff 9\theta\equiv \pi \mod 2\pi \iff \theta\equiv \frac\pi 9 \mod\frac{2\pi}9 . \end{cases} $$ A short form of the solutions in $\theta$ would be $$\theta\in\Bigl\{\frac{k\pi}9\,\Bigm|\, k=0, \pm 1,\pm3,\pm 5,\pm 7, 9 \Bigr\}. $$

Without loss of generality, we can reduce the equations to $$|z|=1 ,\text{Im}(z^6)=\text{Im}(z^3)$$

From this, we can say that when $z=\omega_i$ (where $\omega_i$ are the cube roots of unity), the equations will definitely be true.

After that, use the polynomial expansions for $z^6 $ and $z^3$ considering $z=x+i y$ which is effectively solving $$6xy^{5}\ -20x^{3}y^{3}+6x^{5}y=\left(3yx^{2}-y^{3}\right)$$ upon condition that $$x^2+y^2=1$$ which is a unit circle.

You can access the following graph here

enter image description here

The intersections of the black graph with the red circle and the blue points with coordinates labelled are the solutions required.