Detecting when ValueAnimator is done

i logged results for ValueAnimator and saw that it does not generate all values, just look this:

03-19 10:30:52.132 22170-22170/com.sample.project D/View:  next = 86
03-19 10:30:52.148 22170-22170/com.sample.project D/View:  next = 87
03-19 10:30:52.165 22170-22170/com.sample.project D/View:  next = 89
03-19 10:30:52.181 22170-22170/com.sample.project D/View:  next = 91
03-19 10:30:52.198 22170-22170/com.sample.project D/View:  next = 92
03-19 10:30:52.215 22170-22170/com.sample.project D/View:  next = 94
03-19 10:30:52.231 22170-22170/com.sample.project D/View:  next = 96
03-19 10:30:52.248 22170-22170/com.sample.project D/View:  next = 97
03-19 10:30:52.265 22170-22170/com.sample.project D/View:  next = 99
03-19 10:30:52.282 22170-22170/com.sample.project D/View:  next = 101

So asking you questuion i say to check value isn't correct way. You need add onAnimationEnd listener, described in the post

You can do something like:

ValueAnimator anim = ValueAnimator.ofInt(progress, seekBar.getMax());
anim.addUpdateListener(new AnimatorUpdateListener() 
    public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) 
        int animProgress = (Integer) animation.getAnimatedValue();
anim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() 
    public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) 
        // done

On Kotlin with Android KTX (Core):

animator.doOnEnd {
    // done