Sharepoint - Detecting Solution Deploying Status

You can tell the status of a deployment by observing the combined values of the Deployed and JobExists properties of the SPSolution object.

True - Solution is deployed
False - Solution is not deployed

True - A retract/deploy job exists for this solution.
False - No job

It's important to check both of these properties because depending on their state, the solution might not be "seen" as deployed by follow-up actions:

Deployed | JobExists | Is it really deployed?
  False  |   False   | No.
  False  |   True    | No. But it's being deployed!
  True   |   False   | Yes.
  True   |   True    | No. The job hasn't yet cleaned up and can block other actions

(I don't like using the SPSolution.JobStatus property because it can be $null even though SPRunningJobStatus should have a value.)

Tying this all together, I use an algorithm similar to this to check on the status of a deployment:

$solution = "example.wsp"
Install-SPSolution -Identity $solution

$deployed = $False
while ($deployed -eq $False) {
    sleep -s 5
    $s = Get-SPSolution -Identity $solution
    if ($s.Deployed -eq $True -And $s.JobExists -eq $False) {
        $deployed = $True


For retracting a solution the logic changes a bit:

Deployed | JobExists | Is it really retracted?
  False  |   False   | Yes.
  False  |   True    | No. The job hasn't yet cleaned up and can block other actions!
  True   |   False   | No.
  True   |   True    | No. But it's being retracted!

And in code:

$solution = "example.wsp"
Uninstall-SPSolution -Identity $solution

$deployed = $True
while ($deployed -eq $True) {
    sleep -s 5
    $s = Get-SPSolution -Identity $solution
    if ($s.Deployed -eq $False -And $s.JobExists -eq $False) {
        $deployed = $False


The best solution is to use the SPSolution.LastOperationResult and SPSolution.LastOperationDetails properties.

$solution = Get-SPSolution -Identity:$file
while ($solution.JobExists -eq $true) {
    Write-Host '.' -NoNewline
    sleep -Seconds:1
    $solution = Get-SPSolution -Identity:$file
$lastOperationResult = $solution.LastOperationResult
return ($lastOperationResult -eq [Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPSolutionOperationResult]::DeploymentSucceeded)

There is no way to detect the deploy*ing* state of a solution, but you can check if the solution is deploy*ed*:

if($wspID.Deployed -eq $true){

If Deployed returns false wait a couple of seconds and try again.

