Detecting loops in in in strings

Perl, 36 bytes

#!perl -p

Try it online!

PHP 5.6, 68 bytes

Same code in PHP. Requires the command line option -F, and relies on deprecated /e modifier.


C, 224 205 203 199 195 193 chars

The string is given as program parameter. As usual, use double quotes if your string contains spaces, and for empty strings - calling the program without any parameter crashes, but calling with "" works.

Output for test cases is:

st st st Hello ThereThere => 3[st ]He2[l]o 2[There]
Bookkeeper                => B2[o]2[k]2[e]per
/\/\/\\\\\\\\/\/\/        => 3[/\]2[\\\]3[\/]

which looks correct to me regarding "choose the largest possible repeating section".



scala, 102 chars



st st st Hello ThereThere ->    3[st ]He2[l]o 2[There]
st Hello st st Bye        ->    st He2[l]o 2[st ]Bye
Bookkeeper                ->    B2[o]2[k]2[e]per
/\/\/\\\\\\\\/\/\/        ->    3[/\]2[\\\]3[\/]