Detecting a (naughty or nice) URL or link in a text string

I know this doesn't help with auto-link text but what if you search and replaced all full-stop periods with a character that looks like the same thing, such as the unicode character for hebrew point hiriq (U+05B4)?

The following paragraph is an example:

This might workִ The period looks a bit odd but it is still readableִ The benefit of course is that anyone copying and pasting wwwִgoogleִcom won't get too farִ :)

Well, obviously the low hanging fruit are things that start with http:// and www. Trying to filter out things like "www . g mail . com" leads to interesting philosophical questions about how far you want to go. Do you want to take it the next step and filter out "www dot gee mail dot com" also? How about abstract descriptions of a URL, like "The abbreviation for world wide web followed by a dot, followed by the letter g, followed by the word mail followed by a dot, concluded with the TLD abbreviation for commercial".

It's important to draw the line of what sorts of things you're going to try to filter before you continue with trying to design your algorithm. I think that the line should be drawn at the level where "" is considered a url, but "gmail. com" is not. Otherwise, you're likely to get false positives every time someone fails to capitalize the first letter in a sentence.

I'm not sure if detecting URLs with a regex is the right way to solve this problem. Usually you will miss some sort of obscure edge case that spammers will be able to exploit if they are motivated enough.

If your goal is just to filter spam out of comments then you might want to think about Bayesian filtering. It has proved to be very accurate in flagging email as spam, it might be able to do the same for you as well, depending on the volume of text you need to filter.

I'm concentrating my answer on trying to avoid spammers. This leads to two sub-assumptions: the people using the system will therefore be actively trying to contravene your check and your goal is only to detect the presence of a URL, not to extract the complete URL. This solution would look different if your goal is something else.

I think your best bet is going to be with the TLD. There are the two-letter ccTLDs and the (currently) comparitively small list of others. These need to be prefixed by a dot and suffixed by either a slash or some word boundary. As others have noted, this isn't going to be perfect. There's no way to get "buyfunkypharmaceuticals . it" without disallowing the legitimate "I tried again. it doesn't work" or similar. All of that said, this would be my suggestion:


Things this will get:

  • http://stackoverflo****questions/700163/

It will of course break as soon as people start obfuscating their URLs, replacing "." with " dot ". But, again assuming spammers are your goal here, if they start doing that sort of thing, their click-through rates are going to drop another couple of orders of magnitude toward zero. The set of people informed enough to deobfuscate a URL and the set of people uninformed enough to visit spam sites have, I think, a miniscule intersection. This solution should let you detect all URLs that are copy-and-pasteable to the address bar, whilst keeping collateral damage to a bare minimum.