Detect if I clicked on a certain part of text

This video describes a similar concept, only that it detects clicks and hovering over specific characters.

To make it work for your idea you can just chack the index of the character that was pressed and then check if it's in certain range from the end of the text.

Hope it helps!

It is possible using the TextMeshPro or TextMeshProUGUI intstead of Text. Then you can do a lot of fancy stuff using the TMP_TextUtilities.

Actually there are a lot more very good reasons why it is worth to switch over to using TMP instead of Text - so far I haven't found any good one for preferring Text over TMP.

The linked TMP_TextUtilities tutorial shows a lot more fancy use cases.

public class Example : MonoBehaviour
    public TextMeshProUGUI text;

    public string LastClickedWord;

    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            var wordIndex = TMP_TextUtilities.FindIntersectingWord(text, Input.mousePosition, null);

            if (wordIndex != -1)
                LastClickedWord = text.textInfo.wordInfo[wordIndex].GetWord();

                Debug.Log("Clicked on " + LastClickedWord);

enter image description here

Simply replace the Text component by a TextMeshProUGUI component on the object and in your scripts. The usage for setting the text is exactly the same.

I want to know if I click on the last sentence of the text. ("Click here for more details"

Instead of FindIntersectingWord you can also use FindIntersectingLine and then check the index to only trigger the event for the last one.

if(lineIndex == text.lineCount - 1)

Note that lines here means actual displayed lines - not necessarily linebreaks

Or you could e.g. count and define the amount of words in the last sentence and use

if(wordIndex > text.textInfo.wordCount - LastSentenceLength)

Or .. you could also directly use a Link then you can use FindIntersectingLink and also check if you hit the last one.

Note: make sure to pass in the same Camera as used for the Canvas. I used null because I used a ScreenSpace-Overlay canvas without a certain Camera referenced. In case you are using e.g. WorldSpace you have to

  • reference the Camera in the Canvas → Event Camera
  • pass the same Camera to FindIntersectingXXX



