Deserializing polymorphic types with Jackson based on the presence of a unique property

Here's a solution I've come up with that expands a bit on Erik Gillespie's. It does exactly what you asked for and it worked for me.

Using Jackson 2.9

@JsonDeserialize(using = CustomDeserializer.class)
public abstract class BaseClass {

    private String commonProp;

// Important to override the base class' usage of CustomDeserializer which produces an infinite loop
@JsonDeserialize(using = JsonDeserializer.None.class)
public class ClassA extends BaseClass {
    private String classAProp;

@JsonDeserialize(using = JsonDeserializer.None.class)
public class ClassB extends BaseClass {
    private String classBProp;

public class CustomDeserializer extends StdDeserializer<BaseClass> {

    protected CustomDeserializer() {

    public BaseClass deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException {
        TreeNode node = p.readValueAsTree();
        // Select the concrete class based on the existence of a property
        if (node.get("classAProp") != null) {
            return p.getCodec().treeToValue(node, ClassA.class);
        return p.getCodec().treeToValue(node, ClassB.class);

// Example usage
String json = ...
ObjectMapper mapper = ...
BaseClass instance = mapper.readValue(json, BaseClass.class);

If you want to get fancier, you can expand CustomDeserializer to include a Map<String, Class<?>> that maps a property name that, when present, maps to a specific class. Such an approach is presented in this article.


Jackson 2.12.0 gets Polymorphic subtype deduction from available fields which adds @JsonTypeInfo(use = DEDUCTION)!

AsDeductionTypeDeserializer implements inferential deduction of a subtype from the fields. As a POC not intended for merging, tere's an amount of cut'n'paste code etc but I thought a functional PR would be the best basis for discussion of something I write out of interest.

It works by fingerprinting the full set of possible fields of each subtype on registration. On deserialisation, available fields are compared to those fingerprints until only one candidate remains. It specifically only looks at immediate-child field names as is immediate-child values are covered by existing mechanisms and deeper analysis is a much more imposing ML task not really part of Jackson's remit.

By the way, there's a (now closed) Github issue requesting this here:

This feels like something @JsonTypeInfo and @JsonSubTypes should be used for but I've picked through the docs and none of the properties that can be supplied quite seem to match what you're describing.

You could write a custom deserializer that uses @JsonSubTypes' "name" and "value" properties in a non-standard way to accomplish what you want. The deserializer and @JsonSubTypes would be supplied on your base class and the deserializer would use the "name" values to check for the presence of a property and if it exists, then deserialize the JSON into the class supplied in the "value" property. Your classes would then look something like this:

@JsonDeserialize(using = PropertyPresentDeserializer.class)
        @Type(name = "stringA", value = SubClassA.class),
        @Type(name = "stringB", value = SubClassB.class)
public abstract class Parent {
    private Long id;

public class SubClassA extends Parent {
    private String stringA;
    private Integer intA;

public class SubClassB extends Parent {
    private String stringB;
    private Integer intB;

As other have pointed out, there's no consensus on how it should work so it hasn't been implemented.

If you have classes Foo, Bar and their parent FooBar solution seems pretty obvious when you have JSONs like:




but there's no common answer to what happens when you get


At first glance last example seems like an obvious case of 400 Bad Request but there are many different approaches in practice:

  1. Handle it as 400 Bad Request
  2. Precedence by type/field (for example if field error exists it has higher precedence than some other field foo)
  3. More complex cases of 2.

My current solution which works for most cases and tries to leverage as much of existing Jackson infrastructure as possible is (you only need 1 deserializer per hierarchy):

public class PresentPropertyPolymorphicDeserializer<T> extends StdDeserializer<T> {

    private final Map<String, Class<?>> propertyNameToType;

    public PresentPropertyPolymorphicDeserializer(Class<T> vc) {
        this.propertyNameToType =
                                        .collect(Collectors.toMap(Type::name, Type::value,
                                                                  (a, b) -> a, LinkedHashMap::new)); // LinkedHashMap to support precedence case by definition order

    public T deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException {
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = (ObjectMapper) p.getCodec();
        ObjectNode object = objectMapper.readTree(p);
        for (String propertyName : propertyNameToType.keySet()) {
            if (object.has(propertyName)) {
                return deserialize(objectMapper, propertyName, object);

        throw new IllegalArgumentException("could not infer to which class to deserialize " + object);

    private T deserialize(ObjectMapper objectMapper,
                          String propertyName,
                          ObjectNode object) throws IOException {
        return (T) objectMapper.treeToValue(object, propertyNameToType.get(propertyName));

Example usage:

        @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Foo.class, name = "foo"),
        @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Bar.class, name = "bar"),
interface FooBar {
@AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor_ = @JsonCreator)
static class Foo implements FooBar {
    private final String foo;
@AllArgsConstructor(onConstructor_ = @JsonCreator)
static class Bar implements FooBar {
    private final String bar;

Jackson configuration

SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
module.addDeserializer(FooBar.class, new PresentPropertyPolymorphicDeserializer<>(FooBar.class));

or if you're using Spring Boot:

public class FooBarDeserializer extends PresentPropertyPolymorphicDeserializer<FooBar> {

    public FooBarDeserializer() {


    void shouldDeserializeFoo() throws IOException {
        // given
        var json = "{\"foo\":\"foo\"}";

        // when
        var actual = objectMapper.readValue(json, FooBar.class);

        // then
        then(actual).isEqualTo(new Foo("foo"));

    void shouldDeserializeBar() throws IOException {
        // given
        var json = "{\"bar\":\"bar\"}";

        // when
        var actual = objectMapper.readValue(json, FooBar.class);

        // then
        then(actual).isEqualTo(new Bar("bar"));


    void shouldDeserializeUsingAnnotationDefinitionPrecedenceOrder() throws IOException {
        // given
        var json = "{\"bar\":\"\", \"foo\": \"foo\"}";

        // when
        var actual = objectMapper.readValue(json, FooBar.class);

        // then
        then(actual).isEqualTo(new Foo("foo"));

EDIT: I've added support for this case and more in this project.