Deserialize to self

No, this is not possible using a constructor, you can't reassign this.

Use a static method instead:

public static ArrivedDetails CreateFromString(string encrypted)
    return DataProtect.deserializeXML(DataProtect.DecryptData(encrypted));

Call it:

ArrivedDetails details = ArrivedDetails.CreateFromString(encrypted);

You can not assign anything to "this". Change ArriveDetails to a static that return the deserialised object.

class ArrivedDetails
    static ArrivedDetails Create(string encrypted)
    { return DataProtect.deserializeXML(...) }

You can archive this with reflection as follows.

var tmp = DataProtect.deserializeXML(DataProtect.DecryptData(encrypted));
foreach (var property in GetType().GetProperties())
    if (property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof (XmlIgnoreAttribute), false).GetLength(0) == 0)
        property.SetValue(this, property.GetValue(tmp, null), null);

This assigns the deserialized object to a temporal variable, and copy the value in each public property to this with reflection. This snippet avoids to copy properties with the XmlIgnore attribute.