Deserialize JSON primitives with the built-in Ruby JSON library

RFC 4627: The application/json Media Type for JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) has this to say:

2.  JSON Grammar

   A JSON text is a sequence of tokens.  The set of tokens includes six
   structural characters, strings, numbers, and three literal names.

   A JSON text is a serialized object or array.

      JSON-text = object / array


2.1.  Values

   A JSON value MUST be an object, array, number, or string, or one of
   the following three literal names:

      false null true

If you call to_json on your six sample objects, we get this:

>> objects = [ {}, [], 42, "", true, nil ]
>> { |o| puts o.to_json }

So the first and second are valid JSON texts whereas the last four are not valid JSON texts even though they are valid JSON values.

JSON.parse wants what it calls a JSON document:

Parse the JSON document source into a Ruby data structure and return it.

Perhaps JSON document is the library's term for what RFC 4627 calls a JSON text. If so, then raising an exception is a reasonable response to an invalid input.

If you forcibly wrap and unwrap everything:

objects.each do |o|
    json = o.to_json 
        json_text = '[' + json + ']'
        p JSON.parse(json_text)[0]
    rescue Exception => e 
        puts "Error parsing #{json.inspect}: #{e}"    

And as you note in your comment, using an array as the wrapper is better than an object in case the caller wants to use the :symbolize_names option. Wrapping like this means that you'll always be feeding JSON.parse a JSON text and everything should be fine.

This is quite an old question but I think it worths to have a proper answer to prevent hair loss for the ones who just encountered with the problem and still searching for a solution :)

To be able to parse "JSON primitives" with JSON gem below version 2, you can pass quirks_mode: true option like so;

JSON::VERSION # => 1.8.6

json_text = "This is a json primitive".to_json
JSON.parse(json_text, quirks_mode: true)

With the JSON gem version greater or equals to 2, the quirks_mode is not necessary anymore.

JSON::VERSION # => 2.0.0

json_text = "This is a json primitive".to_json

Before parsing the JSON, you can check the version of the JSON gem that you are using in your project with bundle show json or gem list | grep json and then use the corresponding one.

Happy JSON parsing!


