Derivation tree not rendering

I'd like to persuade you to switch to forest.

for tree={grow=east}
   [$(S)$ $()$]
                    [$((S))$ $(())$]

enter image description here

Here are three different ways to draw the graph

tikz-qtree solution

Take care of the white space!


% ----------

\tikzset{every tree node/.style={anchor=base west}}
\Tree [.$SS$ [.$(S)$ $()$ ] [.$(S)$ [.$((S))$ $(())$ ] ] ]

enter image description here

Pure TikZ solution

\begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=0.5cm]
\node (ss) {$SS$};
\node[above right=of ss] (sa) {$(S)$};
\node[right=of sa] (br1) {$()$};
\node[below right=of ss] (sb) {$(S)$};
\node[right=of sb] (ssb) {$((S))$};
\node[right=of ssb] (br2) {$(())$};
\draw (br1) -- (sa) -- (ss) -- (sb) -- (ssb) -- (br2);

enter image description here

tikzcd solution

\begin{tikzcd}[every arrow/.append style={dash}]
& (S) \arrow[r] & ()\\
SS \arrow[ru]\arrow[rd] & &\\
& (S) \arrow[r] & ((S)) \arrow[r] & (())

enter image description here