Dependencies to connect to a remote docker container in VSCode?

So, it appears that docker must be installed on the host machine to prevent the last mentioned error.

Note: docker service does not need to be running in the host (systemctl disable docker)

With this in mind, these are the steps.


  1. Install docker and ssh client
  2. Add your user to docker group
  3. Install VSCode
  4. Configure Server
  5. (After server config below): edit ~/.config/Code/User/settings.json with
  1. Configure your ssh keys for the Server
  2. (After every reboot run on terminal: ssh -N -L localhost:23750:/var/run/docker.sock <user>@<serveraddr>)
  3. Run VSCode and install Remote Development extension. Restart VSCode
  4. Now you should see your running containers in VSCode Remote explorer > Containers > Other Containers


  1. Install docker and ssh server
  2. Install VSCode (this may not be a requirement on the server)
  3. Add your user to docker group and start your container