Dependencies not copied to bin folder

This 'CopyLocalLockFileAssemblies' doesn't do anything on my end. The only way I found to get the content of the 'runtime' folder in my output is to use 'Publish'. This is not a solution to locally debug an application.

Edit : Adding the Runtime IDentifiers to the project file seems to do it for me. Also, .NET Core 3.0 fixes the issue but it is only in Preview.

.NET Core uses the generated .deps.json file in the output to resolve assemblies, so it avoids copying the files unnecessarily during the build.

However if some assemblies try to look for other assemblies in the output directory or the files referenced in the deps.json file cannot be accessed (e.g. testing build output in IIS), you can add this to a <PropertyGroup> element in your csproj file to cause the NuGet assemblies to be copied to the output directory:
