Delete all foreign keys in database(MySql)

You can use this SQL to generate ALTER TABLES (!!YOUR_SCHEMA_HERE!! needs to be replaced by your schema):

SELECT concat('alter table `',table_schema,'`.`',table_name,'` DROP FOREIGN KEY ',constraint_name,';')
FROM information_schema.table_constraints
WHERE constraint_type='FOREIGN KEY'
AND table_schema='!!YOUR_SCHEMA_HERE!!';

It will generate SQL like this:

alter table `viewpoint_test`.`answer_code` DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_answer_code_codebook_item1;
alter table `viewpoint_test`.`answer_code` DROP FOREIGN KEY fk_answer_code_questionary_answer1;
alter table `viewpoint_test`.`codebook` DROP FOREIGN KEY codebook_ibfk_1;

By "schema name", I mean your database name. It's the same thing.