Delay JavaScript's function execution

You could use the index of the array to calculate the interval dynamically:

$.each(myArray, function (j, dataitem) {
    window.setTimeout(function () { 
    }, (j + 1) * 300);

You execute them all after 300 milliseconds. Instead, try something like this:

window.setTimeout(function () { showDetails(dataitem) }, (j + 1) * 300);

Edit: instead of creating 20 timers at once I think it's better to do it one by one. Function should be:

function showDetails(index)
   if (index >= myArray.length)
      return false;
   var dataItem = myArray[index];
   //code here......
   //code here......
   //code here......
   windows.setTimeout(function() { showDetails(index + 1); }, 300);

And first call can be:

$(document).ready(function() {

This assume myArray is plain global array, and will handle one item and only then call the next item with delay.

Take a look at jQuery.queue([ queueName ], callback( next )). This allows you to queue functions up to be called and is what jQuery's animation effects use internally.

It sounds like you would like to implement a queue, although it is not entirely clear you intentions for doing so.

EDIT: re-reading your question, I think other answers better match what you are after, however I thought that I would show you an example of how to achieve delayed function execution with a custom queue.

An example of how you could use a queue.

var myArray = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20],
    output = $('#output');

// set the queue up
$.each(myArray, function (j, dataitem) {
    output.queue('queue', function(next) {
        var that = this;

// start the queue running.

function showDetails(dataitem) {
    output.append('<div>' + dataitem + '</div>');