Degradation of image when used as texture in 3D graphics

Don't rasterize. I think Texture is doing its own rasterization, so you are seeing the results of a double rasterization.

img = 
       Table[Disk[{j, i}, Sqrt[i]/6], {i, 25}, {j, 50}], 
       PlotRange -> {{1, 50}, {-5, 25}}, ImageSize -> 600]];
SphericalPlot3D[1, {u, 0, Pi}, {v, 0, 2 Pi}, 
  Mesh -> None, 
  TextureCoordinateFunction -> ({#5, #4} &), 
  PlotStyle -> img, 
  Lighting -> {{"Ambient", White}}]


m_goldberg's solution jogged my memory and the problem is even a pitfall:

  • Use Rasterize[..., "Image"] to avoid double rasterization

Note that Rasterize[Grapphics[. . .]] is not an Image:

gr2d = Graphics[Table[Disk[{j, i}, Sqrt[i]/6], {i, 25}, {j, 50}], 
   PlotRange -> {{1, 50}, {-5, 25}}, ImageSize -> 1000];

Rasterize[gr2d] // Head

Alexey's solution applied:

tex1 = Rasterize[gr2d, "Image"] // Texture;

SphericalPlot3D[1, {u, 0, Pi}, {v, 0, 2 Pi}, Mesh -> None, 
 TextureCoordinateFunction -> ({#5, #4} &), PlotStyle -> tex1, 
 Lighting -> {{"Ambient", White}}]

But I would like to ask in advance, What if I only have the high quality rasterized image but not its original form? That rasterized image surely is clear enough for a very high quality texture but Mathematica returns a poor quality result.

This is not a problem, in fact it is the solution, if you have an actual Image rather than a Raster.

img = gr2d // Image;

tex2 = Texture[img];

SphericalPlot3D[1, {u, 0, Pi}, {v, 0, 2 Pi}, Mesh -> None, 
 TextureCoordinateFunction -> ({#5, #4} &), PlotStyle -> tex2, 
 Lighting -> {{"Ambient", White}}]

enter image description here