Defining my own proof environment?

With LaTeX syntax:


I assume here that you mean \hbox{} not \box in your code. The \null macro is short for \hbox{}. The \box is a TeX primitive and is more like \usebox.

You can also use the amsthm package which is a really nice and quick way of creating a proof.



    Your proof here.


It will add Proof in italics at the beginning of the text given as argument and a white square (Q.E.D. symbol) at the end of it.

I found this easy solution at 1. You can also look up there how you define your own environments using this package.

A small extension due to the case that the proofs are in the section "Proofs:"


\newenvironment{myproof}[2] {\paragraph{Proof of {#1} {#2} :}}{\hfill$\square$}
\begin{theo} \label{theo}

This is the proof