Defining a command to define an asterisk command

No dependencies on packages, only on the LaTeX kernel.


\newcommand{\genericcmd}[3]{#1 #3 #2}
\newcommand{\genericcmdstarred}[3]{#1 starred, #3 #2}

    \@ifstar{\csname s\string#1\endcsname}{\csname n\string#1\endcsname}%






enter image description here

More interesting, perhaps, is a definition without the need to define \genericcmd and \genericcmdstarred. The command \metadef has the same syntax as \newcommand (but no * version, which could be added with some more trickery), but with an argument more:

\metadef{<macro name>}[<args>]{<code for normal version>}{<code for starred version>}

Optional arguments to the defined macro are not allowed, use the following xparse based code for adding whatever list of arguments you want.


    \@ifstar{\csname s\string#1\endcsname}{\csname n\string#1\endcsname}%
  \expandafter\newcommand\csname n\meta@def@name\endcsname[#1]{#2}%
  \expandafter\newcommand\csname s\meta@def@name\endcsname[#1]{#3}%

\metadef{\mynewcommand}[1]{Hello #1 world}{Hello starred, #1 world}





The same with suffix:



\metadef{\mynewcommand}[1]{Hello #1 world}{Hello starred, #1 world}





The same with xparse, where you just have to remember of shifting by one the number of the arguments, because #1 is the possible *. The arguments to the “metadefined” macro must be expressed in xparse syntax, of course.



\metadef{\mynewcommand}{m}{Hello #2 world}{Hello starred, #2 world}





I would recommend using xparse which is part of the work by the LaTeX 3 project developers.

The following emulates the code in the question except that it eliminates the spurious space caused by the unstarred version of the command.

\NewDocumentCommand \mynewcommand { s m }
  \IfBooleanT {#1}
  #2 world%


starry worlds

No dependencies on packages, no dependencies on LaTeX kernel:).



\metadef \mynewcommand {Hello ##1 world} {Hello starred, ##1 world}

