def block in rake task

Update: Gotcha

This potentially adds the method to global scope and will conflict with any other method with the same name. Look at @Hula_Zell's answer for a better way.

Original answer

You are defining the method inside the rake task. For getting the function, you should define outside the rake task (outside the task block). Try this:

include Geokit::Geocoders

namespace :geocode do
  desc "Geocode to get latitude, longitude and address"
  task :all => :environment do
    @spot = Spot.find(:first)
    if @spot.latitude.blank? && [email protected]?
      puts address_geo

  def address_geo
    arr = []
    arr << address if @spot.address
    arr << city if
    arr << country if
    arr.reject{|y|y==""}.join(", ")

Careful: Methods defined in rake files end up defined on the global namespace.

I would propose to extract the methods into a module or class. This is because methods defined in rake files end up defined on the global namespace. i.e. they can then be called from anywhere, not just within that rake file (even if it is namespaced!).

This also means that if you have two methods with the same name in two different rake tasks, one of them will be overwritten without you knowing it. Very deadly.

A great explanation is available here: