Decide a C integer literal

Retina 0.8.2, 60 59 bytes


Try it online! Link includes test cases. Edit: Saved 1 byte thanks to @FryAmTheEggMan. Explanation:


Match case-insensitively.


Start with either octal, hex or decimal.


Optional unsigned specifier.


Optional length specifier.


Optionally repeat the length specifier case sensitively.


If no unsigned specifier yet, then another chance for an optional specifier, before the end of the literal.

Perl 5 -p, 65 61 bytes

@NahuelFouilleul shaved 4 bytes


Try it online!

Java 8 / Scala polyglot, 89 79 bytes


-10 bytes thanks to @NahuelFouilleul

Try it online in Java 8.
Try it online in Scala (except with => instead of -> - thanks to @TomerShetah).


s->           // Method with String parameter and boolean return-type
  s.matches(  //  Check whether the input-string matches the regex

Regex explanation:

In Java, the String#matches method implicitly adds a leading and trailing ^...$ to match the entire string, so the regex is:

 (?!         )     # The string should NOT match:
^   .*             #   Any amount of leading characters
      (     )      #   Followed by:
       Ll          #    "Ll"
         |lL       #    Or "lL"
                   # (Since the `?!` is a negative lookahead, it acts loose from the
                   #  rest of the regex below)

 (?i)              # Using case-insensitivity,
^    (             # the string should start with:       
       0           #   A 0
        [0-7]*     #   Followed by zero or more digits in the range [0,7]
      |            #  OR:
       [1-9]       #   A digit in the range [1,9]
            \d*    #   Followed by zero or more digits
      |            #  OR:
       0x          #   A "0x"
         [     ]+  #   Followed by one or more of:
          \d       #    Digits
            a-f    #    Or letters in the range ['a','f'] 
     )(            # And with nothing in between,
              )$   # the string should end with:
        u?         #   An optional "u"
          l?l?     #   Followed by no, one, or two "l"
       |           #  OR:
        l?l?       #   No, one, or two "l"
            u?     #   Followed by an optional "u"