Deceptive site ahead:

I had the extension "Better History" installed also and have just removed it and tried visiting and browsing multiple sites without the warning appearing again.

I will comment again if it does but seems to be a quick fix.

Now I'm reading why Better History is no longer available in the Chrome Web Store:

Better History Chrome extension goes rogue, hijacks browsers and displays ads

A third-party Chrome extension, supposed to make management of your browsing history simpler, has been kicked out of the Chrome web store after users accused it of hijacking their browsing, fiddling with links and opening webpages displaying ads. [...]

I added '' to the 'My Filters' list in uBlock Origin to block it. This seems to have resolved the problem for me. This should work in any other ad-blocking plugin too, such as Adblock Plus.

Here is the rule text:

! ...for Google Unsafe Browsing meassage...


As mentioned in the comments attached below this solution, this is merely a bandage on the problem. The extension still exists and may or may not be malicious.