Debugging with PyCharm terminal arguments

Just the image wise representation of answer

step 1: Click on the Run menu click Edit configuration

enter image description here

  1. Select + in top right corner and select python

enter image description here

  1. Provide the name ,absolutepath of the script/ select the script by clicking three dots(green marker, script paramters and python interpreter

enter image description here

Menu: Run -> Edit configurations -> "+" (add new config) -> Python.

Script name:

If you need to debug a script from installed packages, such as tox, you can specify the full path too. For example: Script name: /home/your_user/.envs/env_name/bin/tox

Above /home/your_user/.envs/env_name is a path to virtual environment containing tox package.

Script params: -t input1 -t1 input2


