debugging java application deployed in tomcat

yes, you need to configure tomcat to accept remote debugging connections. There is a FAQ on how to do it with various IDEs.

  1. Create a new tomcat server

Create a new tomcat server

Tomcat version selection

Tomcat path and JRE version selection

Tomcat server is created successfully

  1. Create a new dynamic web project

Create a new dynamic web project

Export war to tomcat server

Export war to tomcat server

  1. Tomcat debug configuration(important), first double click tomcat server, then select "Use Tomcat installation (takes control of Tomcat installation)"

Tomcat debug configuration -- important!

  1. Add breakpoints

Add breakpoints

  1. Run tomcat in debug mode

Run tomcat in debug mode

  1. Test war in web browser

Test war in web browser

  1. Edit source path

Edit source path -- step 1

Edit source path -- step 2

  1. Debug source code in Tomcat

Debug source code in Tomcat

The war file is available here.

First, you need to run Tomcat in debugging mode. The easiest way to do that is to modify the startup file (.bat or .sh depending if you are Windows or not). Find the line near or at the end of the file that contains the start command, and change it to jpda start. This will cause Tomcat to start in debugging mode listening on port 8000.

Next, to connect to this process via Eclipse, select the Run menu and choose Debug Configurations.... In the pane on the left, choose Remote Java Application and click the New launch configuration button above the list. The important settings to note are the Host and Port fields. The host value must match the hostname of the Tomcat process, and the port should be 8000. You also might need to add entries on the Source tab to ensure that all of the source code is available to step through.

Simply change the line in startup.bat (if you are using Windows)




call "%EXECUTABLE%" jpda start %CMD_LINE_ARGS%