Debugger.Launch not working

I have the same problem in Visual Studio 2013 Premium. Eric's answer put me over how to resolve it. But you don't need to change the register.

  1. Go to Tools --> Options --> Debugging
  2. Open the item and select just in time debugger
  3. If you see in the low part of the window a yellow warning about that other debug is being used different to Visual Studio. If you see that, check all Just in Time checkboxes to return to VS to be the debug program.

That is all!

Options Just in Time debugger

Perhaps this will helps someone in the future. I had the same issue, that Debugger.Launch didn't appear to do anything. Turns out that someone else was logged into my machine and the debugger attach promped launched in their environment, not mine. I kicked them out of the system and that fixed it.

That is a lame answer, since I can't find any reference to VS Express in the question and I had the same problem while using VS2013 Pro.

Even though this article sais the issue is solved in VS2013, even if you are using VS2013 like me, look for the temporary fixes tab listed there. I fixed the issue using it. More info in the link.

I'll just link another article which put me in the right direction, perhaps it's useful too.

Summary: Change the AppIDFlags value of the Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger registry key from 0x28 to 0x8 (or 0x20 according to the article above, trial and error I guess) They registry key is HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{E62A7A31-6025-408E-87F6-81AEB0DC9347}