Debug vs. Release performance

From msdn social

It is not well documented, here's what I know. The compiler emits an instance of the System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute. In the debug version, the IsJitOptimizerEnabled property is True, in the release version it is False. You can see this attribute in the assembly manifest with ildasm.exe

The JIT compiler uses this attribute to disable optimizations that would make debugging difficult. The ones that move code around like loop-invariant hoisting. In selected cases, this can make a big difference in performance. Not usually though.

Mapping breakpoints to execution addresses is the job of the debugger. It uses the .pdb file and info generated by the JIT compiler that provides the IL instruction to code address mapping. If you would write your own debugger, you'd use ICorDebugCode::GetILToNativeMapping().

Basically debug deployment will be slower since the JIT compiler optimizations are disabled.

There is no article which "proves" anything about a performance question. The way to prove an assertion about the performance impact of a change is to try it both ways and test it under realistic-but-controlled conditions.

You're asking a question about performance, so clearly you care about performance. If you care about performance then the right thing to do is to set some performance goals and then write yourself a test suite which tracks your progress against those goals. Once you have a such a test suite you can then easily use it to test for yourself the truth or falsity of statements like "the debug build is slower".

And furthermore, you'll be able to get meaningful results. "Slower" is meaningless because it is not clear whether it's one microsecond slower or twenty minutes slower. "10% slower under realistic conditions" is more meaningful.

Spend the time you would have spent researching this question online on building a device which answers the question. You'll get far more accurate results that way. Anything you read online is just a guess about what might happen. Reason from facts you gathered yourself, not from other people's guesses about how your program might behave.

Partially true. In debug mode, the compiler emits debug symbols for all variables and compiles the code as is. In release mode, some optimizations are included:

  • unused variables do not get compiled at all
  • some loop variables are taken out of the loop by the compiler if they are proven to be invariants
  • code written under #debug directive is not included, etc.

The rest is up to the JIT.

Full list of optimizations here courtesy of Eric Lippert.

I can’t comment on the performance but the advice “don’t deploy debug to production” still holds simply because debug code usually does quite a few things differently in large products. For one thing, you might have debug switches active and for another there will probably be additional redundant sanity checks and debug outputs that don’t belong in production code.