Dealing with CloudFlare's: cf_chl_jschl_tk & cf_chl_captcha_tk?

JS solution:

history.replaceState && history.replaceState(
  null, '', location.pathname +[\?&](__cf_chl_jschl_tk__|__cf_chl_captcha_tk__)=[^&]+/, '').replace(/^&/, '?')

Cloudflare is a distributed reverse proxy. All your requests and responses are transmitted through the Cloudflare's reverse proxy in cleartext. The __cf_chl_jschl_tk__ (Cloudflare challenge / Javascript challenge token) is added to the redirect location URLs at the proxy and would be stripped at the proxy before it gets to your website.

You may try to get rid of the token with Javascript, however, it's important to understand the consequences. If a token is missing in a request, Cloudflare would be more likely to run your users through anti-bot challenges again and again, leading to poor user experience.

How exactly likely it would be to do that remains a mystery though, because DDoS mitigation services do not typically openly document those details.