Deactivate Caps Lock in 14.04

Opening a terminal and typing in:

xmodmap -e "keycode 66 = Shift_L NoSymbol Shift_L" 

followed by enter/return should remap the Caps Lock button the Left Shift.

However, this will need to be executed on each boot. You can do the following to automatically run this every time the system boots.

  1. Search "Startup Applications" in the dash and open it.

  2. Click add. For the name put "Caps Lock to Shift" and under "command" put xmodmap -e "keycode 66 = Shift_L NoSymbol Shift_L".

  3. Press save and restart. Enjoy!

If you would rather disable Caps Lock, you can execute the following (in terminal):

setxkbmap -option caps:none

Once again, this will reset once you restart, so add a startup entry (like above) to execute this on boot.

You can remap Caps Lock is by using Gnome Tweak Tool.

You can install it via the Ubuntu Software Center if you wish or by the command line; it does not come installed on Ubuntu 14.04 by default.

  1. Open a terminal by holding CTRL, ALT and T at once or by search it in the dash.

  2. Type in sudo apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool. This tells apt-get to install gnome-tweak-tool. You need to have sudo as one needs to have root permissions to install software.

  3. Open Tweak Tool

  4. Select "Typing" from the left bar.

  5. Select "Caps Lock act as shift" where it says "Caps Lock key behaviour".

Screenshot depicting step 5 above.

Update for version 3.32.0-1

The option is now under:

Keyboard & Mouse > Additional Layout Options > Caps Lock behaviour

To permantly disable CAPS-lock:

xkbset nullify lock

To re-enable it

xkbset nullify -lock.

To just toogle CAPS-lock:

sudo apt-get install xdotool
xdotool key Caps_Lock