DateTime query on only year in SQL Server

  1. You need to delimit datetime constants like you would a string
  2. Use yyyymmdd pattern for SQL Server (not yyyy-mm-dd, it is unsafe generally)
  3. Use proper range queries to allow for time value

So, to find values between "12 Dec 2004" and "31 Dec 2009" inclusive, allowing for time:

where [IssueDate] >= '20041212' AND [IssueDate] < '20100101'

Edit, or this, because of the ambiguity in the question for "year = 2009"

where [IssueDate] >= '20090101' AND [IssueDate] < '20100101'

select id,name,bookyear from tab1 where year(bookyear) = 2009

    ,[Roll No]
FROM [test1].[dbo].[IssueHis$] 
WHERE [IssueDate] >= '20090101' AND
      [IssueDate] < '20100101'