Dataframe removes duplicate when certain values ​are reached

You can use cumsum() on the threshold differences to identify the group and groupby on that:

groups = (df.groupby(['Action', 'Name'])['Time']
                 .transform(lambda x: x.diff().gt('5min').cumsum())
df.groupby([groups,'Action','Name'], as_index=False).head(1)


                 Time  Action     Name
0 2019-01-10 09:56:52  Opened      Max
2 2019-02-10 12:56:12  Closed    Susan
3 2019-02-10 13:02:58  Opened  Michael

IIUC you can create a group number by getting the time difference, and then groupby and first:

print (df.assign(group=pd.to_datetime(df["Time"]).diff()
         .groupby(["group", "Action", "Name"]).first())

                      Time  Action     Name
0      01.10.2019, 9:56:52  Opened      Max
1      02.10.2019 12:56:12  Closed    Susan
2      02.10.2019 13:02:58  Opened  Michael
3      02.10.2019 13:11:58  Opened  Michael